Product Info & Options for

Miracles Made Simple

Based on the principles contained in Leslie Householder's award-winning best sellers: The Jackrabbit Factor and Hidden Treasures, this goal achievement program provides the training, environment, enlightenment and support for gaining practice and confidence in achieving goals using Rare Faith.

A faith-based study of what it takes to qualify for miracles, so you can stop being the limiting factor in what God can / will do in your life.

Miracles Made Simple 
starting at $267

Miracles are profound, meaningful experiences of synchronicity that can be difficult to explain. But understanding how to qualify for them is no longer a mystery. These serendipitous events are initiated by obedience to universal principles, and once the process is activated, you can experience an incredible, unlimited new flow of resources, ideas, and solutions that help you solve your biggest problems, and overcome your greatest challenges.

God established the system to provide for His children, and it’s our job to learn how to align with it. The truth is, He already desires to bless us far more abundantly than we typically allow in our financial stewardships, relationships, and health. While enjoying true miracles will always be a function of His will, in this program you will learn the proven steps that prevent you from being the limiting factor in what He will make happen for you. It’s time to get yourself out of the way by discovering the mechanics of a miracle.



An online independent study of the Miracles Made Simple program written by Leslie Householder.

  • 24 inspiring units
  • 24/7 community support in our private facebook group
  • 2 months MMS program access
  • Study on your own schedule 

Start Date:

Independent study, start any time, 2 month access.


Register here


An online group study of the Miracles Made Simple program written by Leslie Householder, led by Tracy Rollins.

  • 24 inspiring units
  • 24/7 community support in our private facebook group
  • 2 months MMS program access
  • 2 months of weekly discussions with a certified facilitator for live Q/A.
  • 2 months Weekly Forum membership

Start Date:

  • June 5, 2024 - meets weekly Wednesdays at 3pm PT


Register here

Coaching with Leslie

An online group study of Miracles Made Simple written by Leslie Householder, led by Leslie Householder.

  • 24 inspiring units
  • 24/7 community support in our private facebook group
  • 6 months MMS program access
  • 6 months of weekly discussions and small group coaching with Leslie Householder
  • 6 months Weekly Forum membership

Start Date:

  • Sept 25, 2024 - meets weekly Wednesdays at 2pm PT


Payment options:
1-pay (save 5%) / 4-pay / 6-pay

Register here

What our students are saying:

"This is probably my favorite thing I've read that you've written. ... FAITH and BELIEF in our Savior is what really makes miracles happen. This is the core of it all. thank you for your beautiful thoughts. There is so much power in them! ... Sooo many great things here! I love the idea of gathering more tools into our toolbox and then getting super familiar with all of them, so we'll know just which tool to reach for when it's needed most!" Vanessa K

"I love this so much! ... I love the idea that when life gets crazy, I just need to take a deep breath and just picture what I want to happen. Really feel it. Then knowing which tool or Law to apply becomes much easier to figure out, too, while moving forward. ... We have seen countless miracles after applying these principles over the last 20 years. I'm still amazed at how quickly God wants to bless us with the righteous desires of our hearts. It is all in God's timing. Some miracles have shown up immediately and others we've had to wait for for years. I love these reminders of how easy it can be when you use the principles that are taught." Jolene R

"So much great information in this ...  [it] has me really thinking. ... In most aspects of my life I usually think, what are my thoughts that are keeping me from my goal? [But] I like the idea of: which law is keeping me from my goal? Which law am I not following, and therefore [the reason] I’m not reaching my goal? ... I love this so much!! ... I’m excited to learn more on how to apply this in my life. ... I’ve often thought about many of the things that Leslie talks about in this and I’m loving being able to recognize the things that I need to work on." Lena M
"So many people are floundering or lost in confusion. It does not have to be that way. ... So powerful! ... I'm so excited as I start this consistently." Barb B
"I can’t help but think that I have been really blessed by my diagnosis. I have been put into a position of dissonance in my thoughts and heart and it has created a need to change. I have delved into and learned things I would have never learned otherwise. I often feel in awe of the process." Donna R
"It's so important to realize that Satan has a counterfeit for everything, and that because of that people are scared to become, do, and create. However, we were sent here for experience but also to act and create ... Satan scares us so we don't become like our Father." Rochelle L
"Amazing! ... This is all so enlightening, and it makes so much sense. I thank the Lord daily for the opportunity that I have to be in the Rare Faith program. ... I believe that Heavenly Father loves us all and wants to bless us with all of the righteous desires of our hearts. I believe there is power in asking and power in the way we ask. I love the fact that we can learn to see the answers, and learn recognize the miracles in this class." Susan B
"Lots of great nuggets!!!!" Tamara S
"OH. MY. GOSH!! That was an amazing video! You broke it down into such a simple formula that anyone can learn and follow. It is so simple, yet a continuous muscle we need to exercise to act on these principles. This video was just what I needed to launch me into what how I need to adjust my thinking. Thank you for the powerful reminder. AND, I love how much more precise and concise the principles are in this video. This video is a huge golden nugget!! I had to stop and rewind and play over and over certain parts and write it down because some of the things you said were so key, that unless you have had experience with these principles before, you would have missed it. I have heard your story of going out to dinner for your anniversary so many times, but this time, in the context of miracles, it made so much sense why this story is so key to understanding how miracles work. It was so helpful to learn that it is the small miracles along the way that ultimately lead us to our desired outcome or something even better. So good! Thanks for this! It was so good! Just what I needed!!" Heather B
"Wow, everything you wrote here felt so inspired. You made points I hadn’t thought of in the way you presented them. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful thoughts and principles! ... What I totally love about listening to you is you feel ... relatable because you’ve been in similar hard places that I have been or am going through, plus you understand gospel principles, and combining it all ... it just resonates in my soul." Tyrie B
"Some awesome stuff ... that has really got me pondering. I cannot quit thinking about this..." Brian R
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