Weekly Forum
Where small steps can yield big results.
Live Q/A and support each Thursday at 6pm PT via video conferencing
The Weekly Forum is an expert-led discussion delivering tips every week to help you crush your goals and integrate the Rare Faith principles into your daily routine for greater success in all areas of your life.
Your enrollment also includes immediate access to previous discussion recordings to elevate your thinking and help you experience better results this week.
More than 100 discussions (with a searchable index in development now)!
Topics include:
- The Importance of Vision - Starting with the basics to create your dreams.
- Stake Your Claim - Being decisive so that Unseen Forces know how to help you.
- Selecting Bite-Sized Pieces of Short Term Goals - Turning your vision into a plan.
- Resistance As A Guide - Using your fear as fuel.
- Rejecting Negative Thoughts without Resisting Them.
- Cleaning Up What's Holding You Back.
- When and When Not to Use Rare Faith - Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
- Pacing Yourself - How to challenge yourself while honoring your life seasons.
- Fear of the Future is Rooted in the Past - Letting go so that you can create.
- Avoiding Burnout - Creating balance between action and rest.
- Getting on the Same Page with Your Partner - Co-Creating in unity
- Feelings Are A Byproduct & They Can Be Intentionally Created - Finding the freedom in choosing your emotion.
- Who Decides I'm Ready? Me or God? - Finding peace when asking and receiving don't line up.
- Adversity as the Seed of Equal or Greater Benefit - How to think about challenges in a way that creates a vibration of Rare Faith.
- I Can't > I Don't Know > How Could I? - Simple shifts to go from stuck to strategized.
- Inspired Action: What It Is and Isn't
Choose a Plan:
Talk with a HUMAN
Have questions? Talk to someone who understands the principles and is willing to help you figure out your next right step.
Complete the no-obligation form and we'll be in touch to schedule a call.